06 Jun

EMRA round 2 June - its getting easier!!

Arrived at Mallory on the 4th for a bit of a test to try and iron out some minor setup issues bike felt good by the end of the day putting consistent times so feeling confident for the 6th!! 

 Race day -  weather was looking ok came out for qually and instantly got caught in traffic so put in some clean laps the best i could after about 4 laps i pulled off at Edwina's to try and find some clear track.  Out i went to try and put in a faster lap only for the session to be red flagged straight away due to a crash i didn't think i had done well so i was over the moon when i found out i was p5 for race one!!! (fastest of the Sitramoto lads #justsaying)
Race1 got a good start moving up to p3 the track was greasy due to the weather but i felt good so i pressed on i held p3 for about 5 laps then a couple of the faster lads started passing me finally finished the race p6 overall 2nd in class which i was very happy with.

Race 2 weather conditions made race 2 hard as we had heavy rain 60 mins before the race but was drying so i made the call to run the wets started from 6th the start wasn't the best i dropped to 8th and the track quickly dried so the wets quickly went off very difficult race and i made the best of what had 10th overall 5th in class.

After a great start it wasn't the best of finishes... but on a very difficult day... it was better than some! 

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