06 Jun

EMRA Round 2: - The one that got away!

After a successful last round with two 3rd in classes in the pre injection championship I was looking forward to this months round


Pre injection: My first session out after some small mechanical issues... Built into it slowly feeling more confident on the bike with very little track, with over 30 bikes on circuit it was hard to get some space. With 10 laps completed I managed a 1.02 which put me p16 on the grid and I was pleased with that as a starting point.

 Rookies: So with only 15mins breather I was back out on track again. I'd sussed out the track conditions so felt a little more of an advantage than others.. Feeling confident the bike was working I managed to get out ahead of a pack and get in a couple of what felt like quick laps... Lap 4 the session was stopped due to a crash at Edwinas so had no real chance of gaining any momentum. However I managed a personal best of a 1.00.6 a full 2 secs quicker than previous Quali time!!  This put me p7 on the grid and I was over the moon 👌

Race 1 

Pre-injection: this is where the day went horribly wrong for me. Full of confidence in both myself and the bike I lined up on the grid........

 A decent start off the line maintaining my position I lost a place going into Edwinas but gained that back out braking the rider into the hairpin... Down the straight second lap starts... Went for a late brake into Edwinas to pass a rider but I was pushed out wide and didn't have a good line going into the corner I held my line but lacked drive out... Still holding position to the hairpin where once again I lost a place. Thru the bus stop feeling quicker than the rider in front, we were close down the start straight and Gerrards was in sight. This was my chance! I held on the gas as long as possible seeing the rider in front brake early and tip in. I was confident I could get around the outside of him at Gerrards but this is where my ambition sadly failed me... I closed on the rider quickly realising I'd left my braking too late.. Carrying too much speed I grabbed the front brake to scrub off as much speed as possible to try and follow him in but the bike locked the font and I had no option but to run on... Onto grass.. 👀👀 I decided to put the bike down on its side and try and get off as early as possible which didn't end well for me. I hit the ground hard on my right and it cartwheeled me over...

 After eventually regaining the air back in my lungs I realised I had dislocated my shoulder and a trip to the med centre was in order. 

A huge lesson was learnt today in being impatient (lack of race craft) a few weeks off for me now as I recover repair the bike and myself and get back out to learn from my mistake as quick as possible. 

A massive thanks to Simon and many others on the day for the help and support. However still positives to take from the day.. A new personal best time and the knowledge that I know there's more time to be shaved off.. 59s are now in my sight 👀👌

EMRA ROUND 1 MALLORY PARK - New Bikes new season 

So May brings the start of this year's race season at last. A new year and new bikes to race and try to gel with... This year riding in the pre injection class and the rookies for extra seat time I'm hoping to get to grips with the cbr900 as quick as possible.


Pre injection was first on the cards.... A few easy laps to get tyres warmed and then a couple of quicker Laps secured me a p11 on the grid for  Race 1.

Rookies: lining up in the holding area waiting to go most were on treads and slicks..while in the holding area the rain started coming down. While most stayed out to get a qualifying time I pulled in not liking the greasy conditions so no time was set and I was set to start the race at the back of the grid...work to be done. 

Race 1 

Pre injection: Starting on p11 I was mid pack. The weather was horrendous with heavy rain and lots of standing water and a strong wind.... The objection for me was to finish the race and put points on the board and see how the wet bike ride as I'd had limited time on the machine.... After tagging onto a rider around my pace I finished the race with quite a few riders crashing out. 3rd in class was my finishing position (13th overall)  and I was absolutely made up with that result.

 Rookies: Again with no real expectation being back of the grid I had gained a lot of confidence from the previous race in the wet decided to ride as I had before  but struggled trying to make my way through any sort of traffic in the difficult conditions and finished a disappointing 18th position.  


Pre injection: Conditions had gradually got worse with winds getting stronger and continuous rain falling. Starting on the 5th row a decent start was needed... Steady away again with a little more confidence in the tyres and machine I gradually got quicker throughout the race and finished 12th overall but again with a 3rd in class. Overall good weekend .....a learning curve and experience for racing in the wet.... Lots to improve on bit I now have a baseline to work from and times to improve on. 

Roll on June's meet to work on these areas and try to make my way up the grids 👍

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