Track and Race bike preperation

As a racer I know what you need! You need a bike that you have confidence in, a bike that responds to your every input and is reliable enough to stay the distance. Put simply you need a bike that you can win on!!

No matter what class you are racing from moped racing to minitwins, stock to superbike, club or national Sitramoto have access to everything required to bring your race dreams to reality. 

With a trusted network of specialist partners, what cannot be completed in-house will be completed with no less passion or enthusiasm without any inconvenience to the customer.  

There are race preparation packages to suit all budgets with labour charged, hourly, daily to get you through scrutineering and on track, painlessly.

ACU licence holder discounts available. 

And when it all goes upside down?? I'll be here with advise and help (with a small amount of abusive banter  of course :)  )